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15 tips to interviewing for IT positions during COVID-19 pandemic

worldwide assessment

Following the responses of nations to the Coronavirus pandemic and in line with precautionary measures instituted by world health bodies, the solution to mitigate the spread of the Covid-19 viruses at offices gets tense by the day.

Important alterations to take note of specifically in the cybersecurity space include:

As of today, 93% of interviews have to be adjusted to suit virtual environments, including Skye. Preparing for a Skype interview due to Covid-19? remember these steps:

1. Test your audio and camera prior to the interview session.

2. Elevate your laptop to avoid staring down into the camera and creating an “angle of depression”.

3. Dress professionally like you would on a face-to-face interview

4. Position yourself at a table, against a plain, neutral non-busy background.

5. Check the lighting in the room and avoid flares or distractive reflections.

6. Close all other applications on your laptop.

7. Silence your cell phone, and disable vibration.

8. Have a copy of your resume at hand.

9. Attach post-its around the laptop screen with prompts + questions you wish to ask the interviewer.

10. Exclude kids, pets, etc from the room for the duration of the interview.

11. Have a pen and paper at hand. 12. Have a glass of water next to you.

13. Have the phone number of the interviewer in case the video connection is lost.

14. Smile and always have at least one question

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