
Work from home


With the coronavirus constantly in the news, more businesses than ever are considering the viable option of  telework as opposed to traditional onsite work for their company and employees. The new cyber threats and data breaches constantly reported indicates that business owners have to ask themselves the question: How do I maintain my cybersecurity when my employees work remotely?

Whether you have one employee working on a mobile device while on a business trip or your entire staff telecommuting from home, your cybersecurity shouldn’t be sacrificed for convenience. By understanding your options and working with quality IT services providers, you can safely navigate the cyber world and keep your business protected.

Cyber Security and Telework

Maintaining your cybersecurity while allowing your employees to work remotely can be a challenge, but it can be accomplished with minimal risk if you plan ahead and choose the right options for your business. If you don’t expect someone to infiltrate your network, you won’t be protected when someone tries. Always prepare for the worst-case scenario.

The report below states the constants that incorporate and facilitate the ability to work from home for security professionals

[embeddoc url=”https://itblogr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Work-From-Home-Handbook-for-Security-Professionals.pdf” viewer=”google”]